Object Reading
- Action: standard
- Mana cost: 1
- Range: ranged
- Recharge: at-will
- Target: single target
- Duration: concentration
You read the psychic impressions encoded within an object that you are holding or touching.
Each round you concentrate, you may learn one of the following facts about the previous owner:
- Creature type (humanoid, outsider, etc)
- Age
- Species or racial identity
- Sex
- Presence or absence of magical/psionic ability
- How they gained or lost the item
You may also move beyond the previous owner to the one before them.
Each time you do this, you must pass a Concentration check, DC 10 + 1 per round spent concentrating. If you fail, the effect ends, and you cannot use Object Reading again on that object until you gain a level of Psion.